WV Development banner company

WV Development

Company SSM No 1242434-K · Employees · Other industries

About WV Development

Marketing is finding potential customers and clients for your products/services. Marketing is not just advertising, it involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services. WV Development is a marketing company, specialized in social media marketing, offline marketing, website development and apps development. We have been humbly helping businesses to position themselves in the market, find new customers, market their product/services and most importantly... grow their business! For all our customers, we give it our best and ensure that they achieve the goal that they desire. As being the fastest growing marketing company in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, we are constantly learning and improving as to find more ways to help our clients in their businesses.

WV Development Business Information

Company Name

WV Development

Company Type


Company Size


Other industries

Company SSM No


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