Riot Games Inc banner company

Riot Games Inc

1001-2000 Employees · Other industries

About Riot Games Inc

Riot Games was established in 2006 by entrepreneurial gamers who believe that player-focused game development can result in great games. In 2009, Riot released its debut title League of Legends to critical and player acclaim. As the most played video game in the world, over 32 million play every month. Players form the foundation of our community and it’s for them that we continue to evolve and improve the League of Legends experience.
We’re looking for humble but ambitious, razor-sharp professionals who can teach us a thing or two. We promise to return the favor. Like us, you take play seriously; you’re passionate about games. We embrace those who see things differently, aren’t afraid to experiment, and who have a healthy disregard for constraints.

Riot Games Inc Business Information

Company Name

Riot Games Inc

Company Type


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Other industries

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Company Website

Riot Games Inc Company Address

11F, No 1 Songzhi Road Xinyi District Taipei 110, Malaysia