Riedel Communications banner company

Riedel Communications

>5000 Employees · IT / Hardware

About Riedel Communications

Riedel Communications, founded in 1987, designs, manufactures and distributes innovative real-time networks for video, audio and communications. Its products are used for broadcast, pro-audio, event, sports, theater and security applications worldwide. The company is known for pioneering digital audio matrix systems, as well as SDI and IP-based media networks. Riedel is headquartered in Wuppertal, Germany and employs over 800 people in 25 locations throughout Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas.

Riedel Communications Business Information

Company Name

Riedel Communications

Company Type


Company Size



IT / Hardware

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Riedel Communications Company Address

Uellendahler Str. 353, Wuppertal 42109 Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschland, Malaysia