Nihaopanda banner company


<50 Employees · Education / Training

About Nihaopanda

Nihaopanda is an innovative online language learning platform that is committed to bridging cultures and empowering learners worldwide. Our platform offers language courses in Mandarin and other languages to students globally. At Nihaopanda, we have a team of qualified, native teachers who teach private (1-on-1) and small group (3-4 students) classes. Our platform is available 24/7, providing learners with the flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere. We adopt a communicative approach to language learning, enabling learners to apply their new language skills immediately. Our learning materials are conversation-focused and designed by linguistic experts, focusing on relevant topics that cater to our students' interests, careers, and everyday lives. Additionally, our small group classes and extensive roster of teachers expose students to different regional accents and expressions within the same language, providing them with ample opportunities to practice their speaking skills. We are committed to providing learners with a transformative language learning experience, enabling them to achieve their learning goals and speak a new language with confidence.

Nihaopanda Business Information

Company Name


Company Type

Small-Medium Enterprize

Company Size



Education / Training

Company SSM No


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