Kenexa banner company


>5000 Employees · HR Mgmt / Consulting

About Kenexa

Kenexa® provides business solutions for human resources. We help global organizations multiply business success by identifying the best individuals for every job and fostering optimal work environments for every organization. For more than 20 years, Kenexa has studied human behavior and team dynamics in the workplace, and has developed the software solutions, business processes and expert consulting that help organizations impact positive business outcomes through HR. Kenexa is the only company that offers a comprehensive suite of unified products and services that support the entire employee lifecycle from pre-hire to exit.
Our Integrated Talent Management (ITM) solutions have impacted the lives of more than 110 million people—this is not based on luck or good fortune, but on intrinsic values hinged upon a mission bigger than ourselves. We seek to transform the global workforce by identifying the best individuals for every job and creating the best work environments for every organization

Kenexa Business Information

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HR Mgmt / Consulting

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