freeD Group Limited banner company

freeD Group Limited

51-200 Employees · Travel / Tourism

About freeD Group Limited

TravelFlan is a text-based intelligent travel assistant service using AI and machine learning technology. We help travellers to solve any travel issue during trip planning and at the destination including Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Our service of scope includes airline/hotel booking, local activities recommendation and booking, real-time translation, chartered service, looking for direction, shopping and restaurant recommendation. TravelFlan is 500 startups company in Silicon Valley, and also incubatee of Hong Kong Science Park Incub-App Program, and the winner of HKUST A1 (Startup of the year 2016), G-Startup (Regional Winner), and also K-Startup Grand Challenge.

freeD Group Limited Business Information

Company Name

freeD Group Limited

Company Type


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Travel / Tourism

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