ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd banner company

ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd

Company SSM No 1161128-V · 1-50 Employees · Food / Beverage

About ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd

ECC company background

Espressa Coffee Company (ECC) is established to fill the gap between the old-fashioned and the sophisticated modern coffee drinking culture. Fuelled with passion to bridge the gap between “the third place” and “the concept store”, Executive Director – Mr. Solomon Lee and its management team strive towards establishing ECC as the solution.


ECC Quality;

ECC Partnership Programme

This programme takes priority in the quality of all of ECC product & processes; from sourcing of the coffee beans to its distribution channels before reaching its end customers.

All of our immediate panel of vendors, suppliers, contractors and so forth will be parked under ECC Partnership Programme. This is to ensure that all entities parked under this programme possess the same business directives and passion towards quality in order to produce the preferred “ECC Experience”.


ECC Innovation;

ECC Creative Team

With ECC’s strength in Product Research & Development and Marketing & Branding, ECC will continue to strive towards innovating coffee beverages and developing a variety of merchandises to our loyal customers. We believe that the market today wants not just a place to relax, but at the same time, shop for coffee products as gifts while enjoying ECC coffee. We, the ECC Creative Team takes pride in our on-going dedication and effort to ensure the “ECC Experience” stays relevant and valuable to the market.

ECC company background 







ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd Business Information

Company Name

ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd

Company Type


Company Size



Food / Beverage

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Company Social Media

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ECC Coffee (M) Sdn Bhd Company Address

Gurney Tower R-G-B1-2, Jalan Kelawei, 10250 Penang, Malaysia., Malaysia