BT Local Business Guildford banner company

BT Local Business Guildford

Employees · Telecommunication

About BT Local Business Guildford

BT Local Business Guildford is an independent company, with the full support of the BT organisation, but run by very experienced BT sales staff. BT Local Business Guildford has an exclusive territory around the Guildford and Brighton areas in which it acts as the primary sales interface between customers and British Telecom. The team is focussed on selling telecom products to companies of all types with up to 50 employees.BT Local Business Guildford is one of the most sucessful local businesses in the country with a very agressive business strategy and acquisition plans. The organisation also has the distinction of having few of the best sales people in the country as its employees.

BT Local Business Guildford Business Information

Company Name

BT Local Business Guildford

Company Type


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Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

BT Local Business Guildford Company Address

Unit 4, Walnut Tree Park, Walnut Tree Close Guildford 00000, Malaysia