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Brendan Wood International

Employees · Business / Mgmt Consulting

About Brendan Wood International

Brendan Wood International, (BWI), leading capital markets intelligence agency since 1970, founded the global Shareholder Confidence Index some 33 years ago. Today there are more than 2000 major investors and a similar number of market research and sales/trading professionals expressing their ownership convictions in the worldwide Brendan Wood Panel. This group represents several trillion dollars in equity investments. Through the Shareholder Confidence Index, Directors and Officers of Public Corporations worldwide now have access to all levels of investor purchasing and divestment intentions towards their companies.
The firm has conducted more than 1,000 offsites and management strategy sessions for financial institutions and corporations worldwide. BWI seeks out optimal financial service relationships for corporations and places TopGun executives and investment professionals in senior rainmaker assignments.

Brendan Wood International Business Information

Company Name

Brendan Wood International

Company Type


Company Size


Business / Mgmt Consulting

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Brendan Wood International Company Address

15 Prince Arthur Avenue Toronto ON M5R IB2, Malaysia