N** N******* b**** N** M****** A***'s avatar'
N** N******* b**** N** M****** A***3 bulan yang lepasOther Career Advice

Tak tahu nak pilih yang mana untuk next kerjaya. Boleh minta advice dari yg berpengalaman.

Hi semua. Sy dilema nak membuat pilihan skrg. FYI, sy last bekerja di company skrg dlm 2 minggu lg. Sy cari keje lain sbb sy stress dgn tmpt keje skrg. dept lain x tahu buat keje. buat keje cincai.. dh la sy kene handle sorg.. lg stress.. and company ni dh ada pengganti utk sy. 2 org lg.. huhuhu..ok back to persoalan sy.. sy ada dpt offer satu dkt company A.. sy berminat dgn job scope dia (bidang yg sy study dulu).. tpi yg jd berat hati utk sy accept adalah, dia offer sy gaji sama dgn gaji sy yg skrg (RM2850) . dh la jauh 30 min dri rumah (kalu naik moto) .. tmpt keje skrg 10 min je.. tpi masa interview sy dh ckp yg menjadi concern sy adalah gaji.. sy ltk expected salary sy 3,700.. Interviewer tu ckp utk mula2 dia bole offer byk ni, tpi possible je utk dpt as per expected salary based on perfomance. . probation 6 bulan n after that will be increment .. selain tu, sy ada 2 lg interview lain.. 1 jobscope dia akan handle full set acc which is sy suka utk belajar bende tu.. tpi sy risau sbb sy bukan dari bidang acc.. kalu sy teruskan dgn bidang ni, sy fikir tangga gaji sy utk seterusnya akan naik sikit2 sbb kt luar sana bnyk je yg dari account.. so company mesti akan prefer candidate yg study acc dari sy.. minta advice dari yg lebih berpengalaman.. terima kasih
Syafiqah Afiqah's avatar'
Syafiqah Afiqah2 bulan yang lepas
Based on your dilemma, it seems that you have two job offers to consider. Company A offers a job in your field of study with a starting salary that is the same as your current salary but with potential for increment based on performance. On the other hand, you have another job offer that involves handling full set of accounts, which is a field you are interested in learning. While you may not have a background in accounting, stepping into this field could potentially open up more opportunities for career growth. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of each offer and consider your long-term career goals. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what aligns best with your interests, skills, and future career aspirations.