London Biscuit Berhad banner company

London Biscuit Berhad

Company SSM No 072057-H · 201-500 Employees · Manufacturing / Production

Tentang London Biscuit Berhad

We want you to grow, develop and learn with us. That's why we provide innovative training and development solutions designed to meet your needs and the needs of our organisation. We recognizes that competitive advantage is dependent upon the continuing development of our people. You will be trained for the role you have, while also developed for the future. Our programs have a consistent focus on our people’s professional and personal development .

Maklumat London Biscuit Berhad

Nama Syarikat

London Biscuit Berhad

Jenis Syarikat


Saiz Syarikat



Manufacturing / Production

No. SSM Syarikat


Peluang Pekerjaan


Alamat London Biscuit Berhad

No 1, Jln Istimewa 2, Tmn Perindustrian Desa Cemerlang, Ulu Tiram 81800, Malaysia