Lee Architectural Consultancy banner company

Lee Architectural Consultancy

Company SSM No 239778-W · 1-50 Employees · Construction / Building

Tentang Lee Architectural Consultancy

Lee Architectural Consultancy seeks the imagination, the empathy with human needs and the insight to interpret them in an architectural language that is both contextual and relevant - an architecture that captures the spirit and aspirations of today, adaptable to changes and proves an asset for years to come.

Maklumat Lee Architectural Consultancy

Nama Syarikat

Lee Architectural Consultancy

Jenis Syarikat


Saiz Syarikat



Construction / Building

No. SSM Syarikat


Peluang Pekerjaan


Alamat Lee Architectural Consultancy

32 Taman Berjaya, Pulau Tikus, 10350 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia, Malaysia