Croisserie Artisan Bakery banner company

Croisserie Artisan Bakery

Company SSM No 543046-W · Employees

2 Peluang Pekerjaan

Tentang Croisserie Artisan Bakery

Croisserie Artisan Bakery opened in 2015 with the goal of bringing the freshest homemade bread and pastries to people's homes. Croisserie only uses high-quality ingredients and adopts Respectus Panis (bread) techniques. Every day, a wide range of bread and pastries are baked without the use of artificial improvers or preservatives, ensuring the freshness and authenticity of the bakery's products.

Album Croisserie Artisan Bakery

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Album of Croisserie Artisan Bakery - image no.1
Album of Croisserie Artisan Bakery - image no.2
Album of Croisserie Artisan Bakery - image no.3
Album of Croisserie Artisan Bakery - image no.4

Maklumat Croisserie Artisan Bakery

Nama Syarikat

Croisserie Artisan Bakery

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Alamat Croisserie Artisan Bakery

No. 14, Jalan Medan Setia 2Plaza Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur

Peluang Perkerjaan Croisserie Artisan Bakery

Bakery Retail Assistant Sepenuh MasaSeparuh Masa

MYR1,800 - MYR2,000 Per Month
1 Jan 2025

Asisstant Supervisor Sepenuh MasaSeparuh Masa

MYR2,300 - MYR2,500 Per Month
1 Jan 2025