Asia Maid Services banner company

Asia Maid Services

Company SSM No 0480192-T · <50 Employees · Other industries

Tentang Asia Maid Services

There are many maid agencies in Malaysia and most of them only provide maids from foreign countries. Furthermore, the cost/fee incurred to get these maids can cross over RM10,000 for various permits and there is no guarantee that the maid will stay on with you for long period of time. There are currently more than 250,000 registered maids in Malaysia from neighbouring countries such as Indonesia and Philippines, creating lost opportunities of jobs for needy Malaysian workers especially women from the rural areas.

Many do not realise that there are many Malaysian that are now jobless and spent few months and even years looking for a job after graduation. The rates of jobs creation by businesses locally currently are not able to match the increasing number of local graduates on annual basis. Even if these graduates manage to land a job, the low monthly income and high living costs incurred on house rents, food, and transportation often leads to them not being able to even spares some money for savings.

Local HouseMaid is established to create job opportunities and promotes local Malaysian graduates to work as House Maids and at the same time being able to save money on monthly basis. We set the minimum wage at RM1,000 to RM1,500 per month with minimum contract of 1-year with the hosting family. The hosting family is then responsible to provide proper accommodation and food for the maid in their house. With this in place, the maid will be able to save a large portion of her monthly income as everything else is provided for by the hosting family. This program can serve as a temporary job for the maid while she pursue to seek and get a better career path in the coming years.

Under our program, a contract of minimum 1-year will be signed by all 3-parties whereby the maid are entitled for 14-days sick leave and 67-days paid leave including weekends. Further contract extension will be between the maid and hosting family.

We charge the hosting family or employers a fee for the maids’ medical check ups, tests/assessments, 2-weeks training and transportation. We place great emphasis on training as we want to make sure that the maid knows what they need to do once they are assigned to the hosting family.

Maklumat Asia Maid Services

Nama Syarikat

Asia Maid Services

Jenis Syarikat

Small-Medium Enterprize

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Other industries

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Alamat Asia Maid Services

Level 7, Brunsfield Oasis Tower 3, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia