N** I**** S***** b**** S********* *'s avatar'
N** I**** S***** b**** S********* *2 minggu yang lepasResignation Concerns

Sy nak brhenti kerja tapi boss cakap x boleh

Sy nak bhenti bkerja dekat satu skolah swasta, bagi notis 24 jam. Sy dh bkerja situ lebih Dari 3 Bulan (sy still in probation skrg sbb probation Dalam 5 bulan). Masalahnye, pihak skolah Tu x prnah bagi sy salinan offer letter, padahal sy mintak byak Kali. Slip gaji pon xde. Bnda Dalam offer letter Tu pon sy DH lupa ape yg tertulis. Tiba2 boss cakap x boleh bhenti, kene bagi sebulan notis. Sy X tau la betul ke x sbb sy Rasa ade tulis 24 jam notis Dalam offer letter.

Waktu sy sign offer letter Tu, sy nak tgkap gambar, admin x bagi. Lepas Tu skrg diorg refuse bayar gaji sy sbb sy bhenti Dalam masa 24 jam. .. walaupon smua tugasan utk Bulan Tu sy dh siapkan.

Mcam mane ye? Sbb sy dah confuse dah ni.

Siti Nurhanisah's avatar'
Siti Nurhanisah2 minggu yang lepas
First of all, it is important to clarify the terms of your employment contract, even if you do not have a copy of your offer letter. If the offer letter stated a 24-hour notice period for termination during probation, then you may be within your rights to resign with a shorter notice period. However, if your employer is insisting on a one-month notice period, you may need to negotiate with them or seek legal advice. Regarding the issue of unpaid wages, you have the right to receive payment for work completed, regardless of the notice period. You may consider reaching out to the labor department or a legal advisor for further assistance on this matter.